C Program to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase

In this tutorial, i am going to show you how to convert uppercase character to lowercase character in c program with the help of function and ascii value.

All Programs to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase in C

  • C Program to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase using function
  • C Program to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase using ascii value

C Program to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase using function

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <ctype.h> 
int main()
  char Ch;
  printf("\n Please Enter any alphabet :- ");
  scanf(" %c", &Ch);
  if (isalpha(Ch) )
     Ch = tolower(Ch); 
     printf ("\n Lowercase of Entered character is %c", Ch);
     printf("\n Please Enter Valid Alphabet");

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter any alphabet :- A
Lowercase of Entered character is a

C Program to Convert Character to Uppercase to Lowercase using ascii value

#include <stdio.h>  
int main()
  char Ch;
  printf("\n Please Enter any alphabet :- ");
  scanf(" %c", &Ch);
  if (isalpha(Ch) )
    if (Ch>=65 && Ch<=90)
       Ch = Ch + 32; 
       printf ("\n Lowercase of Entered character is %c", Ch);
       printf("\n You Already Entered Lowercase Character");
     printf("\n Entered character is Not an Alphabet");

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter any alphabet :- V
Lowercase of Entered character is v

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