C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number

In this tutorial, i am going to show you how to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers in c program with the help of for loop, while loop, function, and recursion.

All C Programs to Convert Decimal to Binary Number

  • C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using While Loop
  • C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using For Loop
  • C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using Function
  • C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using Recursion

C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using While Loop

/* C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() 
    int a[10], number, i = 1, j;
    printf("\n Please Enter Decimal Number  :  ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    while(number  != 0)
        a[i++] = number % 2;
        number = number / 2;
    printf("\n Binary Number of a Given Number =  ");
    for(j = i - 1; j > 0; j--)  {
        printf(" %d ", a[j]);
    return 0;

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter Decimal Number  :  220
Binary Number of a Given Number =   1  1  0  1  1  1  0  0 

C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using For Loop

/* C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() 
    int a[10], number, i, j;
    printf("\n Please Enter decimal number  :  ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    for(i = 0; number > 0; i++)
        a[i] = number % 2;
        number = number / 2;
    printf("\n Binary Number of a Given Number =  ");
    for(j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)  {
        printf(" %d ", a[j]);
    return 0;

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter decimal number  :  100
Binary Number of a Given Number =   1  1  0  0  1  0  0 

C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using Function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
long decimalToBinary(int decimalnum)
    long binarynum = 0;
    int rem, temp = 1;
    while (decimalnum!=0)
        rem = decimalnum%2;
        decimalnum = decimalnum / 2;
        binarynum = binarynum + rem*temp;
        temp = temp * 10;
    return binarynum;
int main()
    int decimalnum;
    printf("Enter a Decimal Number: ");
    scanf("%d", &decimalnum);
    printf("Equivalent Binary Number is: %ld", decimalToBinary(decimalnum));
    return 0;

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Enter a Decimal Number: 100
Equivalent Binary Number is: 1100100

C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number using Recursion

#include <stdio.h>
int decimal_binary(int n)
    if (n==0)
        return 0;
        return ((n%2)+10*decimal_binary(n/2));
void main()
   int no;
   printf("Enter a decimal number : ");
   printf("Decimal(%d) = Binary(%d)\n",no,decimal_binary(no));

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Enter a decimal number : 100
Decimal(100) = Binary(1100100)

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