C Program to Find Square of a Number

C program to find square of a number; In this tutorial, i am going to show you how to find the square of a number in the c program using function and normal formula.

Algorithm and Programs to Find Square of a Number in C

  • Algorithm to Find Square of a Number
  • C Program to Find Square of a Number using Formula
  • C Program to Find Square of a Number using Function

Algorithm to Find Square of a Number

Use the following algorithm to write a program to find square of a number; as follows:

  • Step 1: Start Program
  • Step 2: Get the number from user and store it in a.
  • Step 3: Find square of number a using formula or function
  • Step 4: Show square of number
  • Step 5: Stop Program

C Program to Find Square of a Number using Formula

int main()
    float number, square;
    printf("Please Enter any integer Value : ");
    scanf("%f", &number);
    square = number * number;
    printf("square of a given number %.2f is  =  %.2f", number, square);
    return 0;

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter any integer Value : 20
square of a given number 20.00 is = 400.00

C Program to Find Square of a Number using Function

//function to calculate square of number
float squareOfNumber(float num)
    return (num*num);
int main()
    float number, square;
    printf("Please Enter any  Value : ");
    scanf("%f", &number);
    square = squareOfNumber(number);
    printf("square of a given number %.2f is  =  %.2f", number, square);
    return 0;

The result of the above c program; as follows:

Please Enter any  Value : 10
square of a given number 10.00 is  =  100.00

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