Python Program to Sort List For Ascending and Descending Order

Python program sort list elements for ascending and descending order; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you how to sort a list elements or items for ascending and descending order in python.

You can use the python inbuilt method name sort(), which is used to sort the elements/objects of the list in Ascending and Descending Order.

Basic Syntax of python sort() method:


Python Program to Sort List For Ascending and Descending Order

  • Sort list in ascending order python
  • Sort list in descending order python

Sort list in ascending order python

# List of integers
num = [100, 200, 500, 600, 300]
# sorting and printing 
# List of float numbers
fnum = [100.43, 50.72, 90.65, 16.00, 04.41]
# sorting and printing
# List of strings 
str = ["Test", "My", "Word", "Tag", "Has"]
# sorting and  printing

After executing the python program, the output will be:

[100, 200, 300, 500, 600]
[4.41, 16.0, 50.72, 90.65, 100.43]
['Has', 'My', 'Tag', 'Test', 'Word']

As you know above, how to sort list elements in ascending order. Now you will read how to sort a list in descending order by using sort() method.

You pass reverse=True as an argument with sort() method to sort a list elements in descending order.

You can see the following program to sort a list element in descending order.

Sort list in descending order python

# List of integers
num = [100, 200, 500, 600, 300]
# sorting and printing 
# List of float numbers
fnum = [100.43, 50.72, 90.65, 16.00, 04.41]
# sorting and printing
# List of strings 
str = ["Test", "My", "Word", "Tag", "Has"]
# sorting and  printing

After executing the program, the output will be:

[600, 500, 300, 200, 100] 
[100.43, 90.65, 50.72, 16.0, 4.41] 
['Word', 'Test', 'Tag', 'My', 'Has']

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