Python remove a character from a string

Python remove characters from string; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you how to remove first, last, and specific characters from string in python.

Python remove a character from a string

  • To remove a last character from a string in python
  • To remove first character from a string in python
  • To remove multiple characters or n characters from string in python.
  • How to remove specific characters from a string python

To remove a last character from a string in python

See the following python program to remove a last character from a string in python;

# Python code to remove last character from string
#take input string from user
str = input("Please Enter String : ")
# Remove last character
str = str[:-1]
# Print remaining string

After executing the above program, the output will be:

Please Enter String :  my world.... 
Result :-  my world... 

To remove first character from a string in python

See the following python program to remove a first character from a string in python;

# Python code to remove first character from string
# initializing test string
str='!my world'
# Remove first character
str = str[1:]
# Print remaining str

After executing the above program, the output will be:

Please Enter String :  A programmer
Result :-   programmer

To remove multiple characters or n characters from a string python

See the following python program to remove multiple characters or n characters from a string;

# Python code to remove multiple characters from string
#take input string from user
str = input("Please Enter String : ")
removeChr = input("Please Enter Multiple Character, which you want to remove : ")
# Remove multiple characters
new_string = str
for character in removeChr:
  new_string = new_string.replace(character, "")
# Print remaining string
print('Result :- ', new_string)

After executing the above program, the output will be:

Please Enter String :  !(Hell@o)
Please Enter Multiple Character, which you want to remove :  !()@
Result :-  Hello

How to remove specific characters from a string python

See the following python program to remove specific characters or specific index characters from a string;

# Python code to remove specific index character from string
#take input string from user
str = input("Please Enter String : ")
n = int(input("Please Enter Index of Character, which you want to remove : "))
# Remove nth character
x = str[:n]  # up to but not including n
y = str[n + 1:]  # n+1 till the end of string
str = x + y
# Print remaining string
print('Result :- ', str)

After executing the above program, the output will be:

Execution -1

Please Enter String :  python
Please Enter Index of Character, which you want to remove :  0
Result :-  ython

Execution -2

Please Enter String :  python
Please Enter Index of Character, which you want to remove :  1
Result :-  pthon

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