Types of User-defined Functions in C with Example

Types of user-defined functions in c; In this tutorial, i am going to show you different types of user-defined functions in C programming with examples.

Types of User-defined Functions in C with Example

There are four different types of user-defined functions in c programming language:

  • Function with no arguments and no return value
  • Function with no arguments and a return value
  • Function with arguments and no return value
  • Function with arguments and no return value

Function with no arguments and no return value

See the following example for function with no arguments and no return value in c programming; as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
  greatNum();    // argument is not passed
  return 0;
  // return type is void meaning doesn't return any value
void greatNum(){
  int i, j;
  printf("Enter two integer: ");
  scanf("%d %d",&i ,&j);
  if(i > j){
    printf("The greater number is : %d", i);
  else {
    printf("The greater number is : %d", j);

The output of the above program; as follows:

Enter two integer : 12 14
The greater number is : 14

Function with no arguments and a return value

See the following example for function with no arguments and return value in c programming; as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
  int result;
  result = greatNum();  //Function called and argument is not passed
  printf("The greater number is %d", result);
  return 0;
  // return type is int meaning it return some value
int greatNum(){
  int i, j, greater_number;
  printf("Enter two integer: ");
  scanf("%d %d",&i ,&j);
  if(i > j){
  greater_number = i;
  else {
  greater_number = j;
  return greater_number;

The output of the above program; as follows:

Enter two integer: 12 11 
The greater number is 12

Function with arguments and no return value

See the following example for function with arguments and no return value in c programming; as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
  int i, j;
  printf("Enter two integers :");
  scanf("%d %d",&i ,&j);
  greatNum(i, j);  //Function called and argument is passed
  return 0;
  // return type is void meaning it return no value
void greatNum(int x,int y){
  if(x > y){
    printf("The greater number is %d", x);
  else {
    printf("The greater number is %d", y);

The output of the above program; as follows:

Enter two integers : 45 54
The greater number is 54

Function with arguments and a return value

See the following example for function with arguments and return value in c programming; as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
int greatNum(int i, int j);
int main(){
  int i, j, result;
  printf("Enter two integers :");
  scanf("%d %d",&i ,&j);
  result = greatNum(i, j);  
  printf("The greater number is %d", result);
//Function called and argument is passed
  return 0;
  // return type is void meaning it return no value
void greatNum(int x, int y){
  if(x > y){
    return x; 
  else {
    return y;

The output of the above program; as follows:

Enter two integer: 57 61 
The greater number is 61

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